Informace o produktu

S-BASE database


Comprehensive solution for cardiological practice.

Diagnostic system SEIVA offers data sharing of device records between hospital staff within a computer network.

  • Resting ECG, exercise ECG, holter ECG, ABPM, spirometry and picture archive UltraView
  • connection with ambulatory software
  • time saving
  • immediate overview
  • easy operation
  • team work support
  • easy record storage


SEIVA devices can work independently or they can be connected to the S-BASE database

All SEIVA devices connected to S-BASE use a joint patient’s database and single control environment, which makes
work and operation much easier

The S-BASE database communicates with ambulatory software and it transmits patient’s IDs and examination outcomes

The S-BASE database develops dynamic NURSE/DOCTOR cooperation thanks to immediate sharing of examination
results of every patient


Nurse makes the recordings.
The doctor reviews the recordings of the patients.
Recordings of all examinations (ECG, Holter ECG, ABPM…) are stored in database available for review, print or futher manipulation at all the time.


Doctor in the surgery consults recordings real-time with a cardiology specialist.


Nurse makes the recordings.
The doctor reviews the recordings of the patients.
Recordings of all examinations (ECG, Holter ECG, ABPM…) are stored in database available for review, print or futher manipulation at all the time.

Zaslat poptávku
SEIVA je tradiční český výrobce zdravotnických přístrojů. Naše přístroje nejsou masová produkce ale vysoce kvalitní přístroje šité našim zákazníkům na míru.

Vzhledem k velkému množství sestav a příplatkových modulů nabízíme zdarma konzultaci a sestavení individuální nabídky.

Naši produktoví specialisté Vám rádi poradí a nabídnou funkce a vlastnosti, které opravdu potřebujete.

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