Informace o produktu

SEIVA Praktik Portable


  • 12 leads / 12 channels
  • „one button“ simple operation
  • electronic archive
  • measurement and interpretation
  • long term ECG monitoring before printing
  • print out on standard office A4 paper


SEIVA ECG Praktik is modern and reliable twelve lead electrocardiograph. The device is an excellent choice for use in different types of medical practices.
Large well-arranged display, electronic archive of records and „one button“ operation is an excellent  basis for fast work with representative results.

ECG records of SEIVA ECG Praktik are archived in a database on PC. ECG and other examinations can be saved into common database, which is included in the standard package of ECG Praktik. Doctor is able to gain instant overview of examination results of a specific patient.
Through SEIVA database ECG Praktik can work in a computer network as well as communicate with ambulatory software.

SEIVA ECG Praktik uses standard A4 office paper. In comparison with thermopaper, the record is of better quality, easily readable and lastly. The screen is identical with  print out – WYSIWYG.

All 12 leads real-time ECG monitoring can be viewed for an arbitrary time length and diagnostically interesting events recorded for later analysis.

Zaslat poptávku
SEIVA je tradiční český výrobce zdravotnických přístrojů. Naše přístroje nejsou masová produkce ale vysoce kvalitní přístroje šité našim zákazníkům na míru.

Vzhledem k velkému množství sestav a příplatkových modulů nabízíme zdarma konzultaci a sestavení individuální nabídky.

Naši produktoví specialisté Vám rádi poradí a nabídnou funkce a vlastnosti, které opravdu potřebujete.

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